Friday, October 23, 2015

Lab 3 Reflection Journal

What did I do is that we use a photo of Lancelot and took him out of it and then use quick selection brush to only have Lancelot in our photo, but we did not know this until the Ms Ramirez show us how to use the quick selection brush. This made the hold lad easier because when you use the lasso tool it doesn't come out perfect. After that we copy the layer at least 5 time, then go to adjustment in the image and change each Lancelot, after that we made sure that each Lancelot are not touching each other. I can use this in the future when I'm editing a photo in photoshop I can use quick selection brush. What was fun was when we made copies of Lancelot

Sunday, October 18, 2015


The source of creativity from the Ted Radio Hour is relate to Wed Design because creativity is how you make it not how copy it. Well you maybe wondering what does this have to do with Web design, well when you're doing the project in Web design on it doing it yourself, that's what makes you different from other since it's your own word and you're not copying from anyone else. The reason why they ask you when you're helping someone that you're not doing the work for them this is because they want everything to be not the same, they want everything to be different.

Lab 2 Reflection Journal

In this lab we took pictures from the neighborhood around our school and the places that we went, then we uploaded the pictures to the computer and use Adobe Photoshop cs6 to to give examples of low point, high point, close up, eye view, and landscape. The hardest part for me in this project was to resize the photo, because I had to make sure that they don't go on the white line of the page or else the teacher will take points off my grade. I solved this problem by using the shift key to resize my picture the right size that I needed. I can use this in the future when I am taking pictures for a friend or someone.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Project 1 Reflection Journal

Today in our project we use many type of foods in order to do the melon head lab. The first thing we did was put the base background and used Marquee, Lasso, and Select tool to make our layer. We also make a background color, but I had problem with it because I dint know that you have to make another layer. Then I use the selection tool to move all the food , to make my Arabian food man. After that I handed it in on Jupiter grades. What I have problem was I couldn't get a perfect food cut out. I found this by zooming in and using the eraser tool to get rid of the white spots on the food. What I can use this in the future when when I'm taking two characters and putting them together like taking a character with fire power together with a guy with ice powers and make a Spiderman or fire Iceman something like that.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Lab 1 Reflection Journal

In this lab we took 4 pictures that we took on the trip and during our weekend, then used Adobe Photoshop CS6 to make some type of picture frame and write our name on it. But to do this you have to opened a new file and save it with the pictures and type your name and print it. What was hard to do was to make the photos look sharp. I was able to overcome this by using the shift key to size my photos perfectly. What I enjoy about this lab was that we took pictures for homework. I can use this skill in the future by when I help my mom because she likes to take pictures.

Rule of Third

The Rule of Third is breaking an image into thirds, horizontally and vertically 3 by 3 so you can divide the screen 9 equal part. The ratio of these image is spit into a 1:2 ratio.

Emphasis, Balance, Camera Angles and Framing

This is what Emphasis, Balance, Camera Angles and Framing is