Friday, June 10, 2016

Year Book reflection

In this project we had to make a year book with our group the problem was that my group has 4 people and some of the people were slaker. My job was to take pictures of our class mates which only took one day to do. I did this by using my phone camera and send it to my Dropbox. I except my team to be finished with the cover or start writing about the school but only my leader was working on cover. I also work on the cover too while my leader was making the outline and one of my group members was working on about the school. This was really hard because I felt like I did most of the work because someone in my group decided to be a slaker. I don't think I'll do this in the future because it is a lot of work and time.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Interview Skills

A of job applicant that I want to be is someone who hires people that are good at engineering things. I chose this because I am also an engineering person and I'd like to work with people who life's the same thing as me. This makes like my job easier because if I work with people that have the same interests as me then I'll be able to get my work done faster.